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My crawling Philodendrons - gloriosum, pastazanum, plowmanii etc. - growing large aroids indoors
My Pastazanum’s New Home - #plants #houseplants #rareplants #Philodendron #plantlover #plantcare
I re-potted all of my crawling Philodendron!
Potting up a crawling Philodendron #tutorial
Philodendron gloriosum Review | 3+ Years Later | 👀Update Video | Crawling Philodendron
How To Grow BIG HUGE Philodendron Plants & Leaves - Houseplant Care 101: Philodendron Care
Philodendron Mcdowell care #philodendron #plant #shorts
Why Your Plant May Need THIS #shorts #houseplants #plantcare #repotting #philodendron #tips
I Love Crawling Philodendron #plantcaretips #semihydro #philodendron
Philodendron Series: Philodendron McDowell
Philodendron Glorious grown up a moss pole #houseplant #mosspole #plantstake #diy
philodendron Gloriosum